Friday, December 5, 2014



Teachers are nice and cool and are kind and helpful.  Teachers love Netherton School, we love and like teachers.  We never say goodbye.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Batman to the rescue

Batman to the rescue

Reagan and Rebecca and Bree and Batman said "look at the Joker he is killing a boy". We are going to fight. Bree said "Batman what are you doing?" Reagan and Bree, you are being good. Bree and Reagan and Rebecca stabbed the Joker. The Joker stabbed Batman.

                                    THE END

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

My friend

My friend is in my heart.  She likes Subway and horses.  She loves going to my house.  I like that she smiles all the time.  Her hair is like the golden moon.  Her smile is like the pretty sun.  I never say goodbye.

Friday, September 12, 2014

How to play dead ants

How to play dead ants

Goal: Learn how to play dead ants

Things you need: people & 4 cones & grass area.


1. Put out the cones in a big square on the grass.

2. Pick out 2 people to be in.

3. The 2 people you pick to be in they tag the people who are not in

4. The people you tag lay on the grass. They put hands up and legs  up too.

5. 2 People hold the legs and 2 people hold the hands.

6. They can go and keep playing.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Hi my name is Rebecca. My friends are Bree and Vaughan and Summer. My teachers are Mrs. Rodley and Mrs McLean. I am in Room 3. I like playing boy catch girl. I like playing on the ipads. My dog's name is Teddybear.